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The TSL Kids Crew Blog
To raise a child who will grow up to be a responsible person, you need to expose the child to a variety of exercises which will ensure he/she gets a balanced growth mentally and physically as well as socially. One of the best places for your kids to develop these skills is the child care programs. Cognitive development involves focusing on the following four areas
Sensorimotor stage- this is the phase between birth and two years. During this period a child learns about the surrounding through their senses and manipulation of the objects. At this stage, they are doing anything that comes to mind without a second thought their brain controls nerves are non-functional. In a child care center, these senses are developed by providing the child with playing objects with different colors as well as different texture.
Preoperational stage- This is a stage between 2-7 years. The child starts to develop some memories as well as develop imaginations. They are more creative and understand the concepts of future present and past. They promote a sense of responsibility, and they know every action has a consequence. They are cautious in executing their operations they know that there is a systematic way of doing things. In a daycare setting these skills are developed by offering tests as well as timed assignments. The child develops a sense of preparing in advance for a test or activity. Concrete operational stage- this is the stage between the ages of seven and eleven years. The child starts to realize there are different ways of executing a certain task and not everyone sees things they way they see them. They accept different opinions. Will you child improve their cognitive abilities in a quality child care environment? From the facts above, it is clear that the concern of whether will your children improve their cognitive abilities in a child care program is worth no more to be considered a genuine concern. Children will actually benefit immensely from child care facilities as long as their cognitive abilities are concerned. Since a child care program has children from different backgrounds and settings, the child actually grows up to be a very social person who can fit well in different society settings. The Ideas Written About In This Blog Are Based On The Personal Opinions And Philosophies Of The Contributor Who Has Taught Elementary School For Twelve Years And Has Run A Recreational Childcare Business Since 2009. Comments are closed.