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The TSL Kids Crew Blog
Now that you’ve gone through your checklist and decided that you and your child are ready to host a sleepover, what comes next? Besides survival, of course. How about a successful evening and next morning? Parents, if you’re indeed prepared to entertain, feed, put to bed and wake up to your guests the next morning, you’ll need to figure out the following, per Parenting magazine:
Select a date. Saturdays are considered the prime night for sleepovers, as young guests might have participated in tiring sporting events earlier in the day (thus promoting the possibility of actual sleep). However, also consider a Friday night: Challengers will be worn out from a full day of school (another aid to sleep) and will have both Saturday and Sunday to recover from the overnight event. Plus, church-going families might require their kids to attend religious services on Sunday morning — thus thwarting plans for later wake-up (yours and theirs).
No sleepover ever goes perfectly, but following the suggestions above will help you survive the night, and maybe even enjoy it -- somewhat, anyway. The Ideas Written About In This Blog Are Based On The Personal Opinions And Philosophies Of The Contributor Who Has Taught Elementary School For Twelve Years And Has Run A Recreational Childcare Business Since 2009. Comments are closed.