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The TSL Kids Crew Blog
Did you know that all children, including those that have special needs, have a right to a quality after school program? These programs promote the philosophy of teamwork, inclusion and leadership. Although day care programs that accommodate special needs children are hard to find, the law provides for children with special needs to be accommodated in daycare.
Finding a child care program that will take care of your child’s special needs can be difficult, but it is critical to make sure that you find the right program. You will definitely want a program that has the same attributes as those of your child. Ideally, you should look for one that is run by trained professionals who will know how to handle your child with personalized care and professionalism. Look for a program that offers a smaller environment with a structured child care program.
Sometimes it may be impossible to find a program that is a good fit for your kid. In that case, the alternative is to find an experienced caregiver who is ready to learn and address the behavioral needs of your child.
Talk to the staff No matter how the program seems to fit the attributes of your child, it is important to talk to the staff at the child care center because no two special needs children are the same. Informing them about very specific needs of your child helps to make the experience more enjoyable and successful for everyone. Consider sharing with the staff at the center if your child has an individualized education plan; however, you have the right to withhold any information regarding the diagnosis of your child. It is also worth noting that it has become increasingly difficult to find a facility that can manage your child if they have difficult-to-manage behaviors. Often times, when you fail to disclose as much information as possible to the caregivers, your child may be asked to leave the center without notice. This can be very devastating to the parents. The law may prohibit caregivers against any form of discrimination but failing to disclose vital information to the afterschool care center regarding your child special needs may come back to haunt you. In short, it is all about remaining honest about your child and providing a safe and stimulating environment for them to grow and learn in. The Ideas Written About In This Blog Are Based On The Personal Opinions And Philosophies Of The Contributor Who Has Taught Elementary School For Twelve Years And Has Run A Recreational Childcare Business Since 2009. Comments are closed.